Wealth Visionaries Collective

One of my favorite books, “The Geography of Genius”, explores how certain civilizations, places, and time periods have produced remarkable individuals who changed the course of history through their ideas and innovations. From ancient Greece to Silicon Valley, these hubs of creativity and expansive growth were built on a foundation of collaboration, diversity, and free thinking.

It was often in an intimate social setting, where these geniuses would exchange ideas and challenge each other’s thinking. 

A space where it was socially acceptable to throw out one piece of the puzzle, trusting that someone else had another. It was in fact, a safe space not to be, that allowed such genius to unravel. A space where all ideas are welcome and encouraged, no matter how unconventional or outlandish they may seem.

These were the places and spaces where their ideas took shape, grew, and flourished. The greats have been gathering in this way for centuries and it remains the key to unlocking groundbreaking innovations that benefit all of humanity.

Inspired by this concept, our mission is to build a community that fosters similar creativity, innovation, and progress. A place where individuals from all backgrounds can come together to share their ideas, collaborate on projects, and pave the way for a better future. Because as we know, it is our collective imagination that powers the future, as we come together to craft the future of civilization.

We welcome you to the Wealth Visionaries Collective, an intellectual playground for leading fund managers, family offices, sovereign wealth funds, and other capital allocators to co-create a more abundant and optimistic version of the future. We bring together the world’s most influential people to solve the world’s biggest challenges, create fail-safe systems for society, and shift the world to a new paradigm. 

    Our areas of exploration include:

    • Longevity & Wellness
    • Sustainability
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Creating abundance at scale
    • Regenerative and circular economies
    • Future of Work
    • Future of Living (Building Regenerative Communities)
    • And more…

    “The Future is already here, it’s just not very evenly distributed”

    William Gibson, Sci-fi Writer

    Why Now?

    If you dropped someone from 100 years ago into today’s world of technology, they would think it was magic. Projecting forward with this awareness, it’s clear that the future holds incredible potential and possibilities beyond our current imagination.

    With advancements in artificial intelligence, automation, renewable energy, space exploration, longevity, and more – we are on the cusp of a new era.

    Our society is at a tipping point… and things could go either way. Will this be the end of humanity as we know it? Or is it just the beginning? Maybe we’re meant to die off as a species, or maybe we’re meant to live for hundreds of years through gene therapies that allow us to inhabit and explore Earth-like planets elsewhere. We’ll explore these futuristic topics and far off technologies, rooted in today’s action-oriented opportunities.

    The changes that are to come are far more drastic than we can anticipate. In the same way that we might visit a foreign country and experience culture shock, the rapid changes in technology will almost certainly cause a form of “future shock” for many. The world and society are restructuring themselves at an exponential pace — and we truly have no idea what’s coming.

    With the tides turning, we will experience one of the greatest wealth creation events in human history. The rise of new industries and technologies will create immense wealth for those who are involved in creating, developing, and investing in them. This is truly a once-in-human-history opportunity.

    “The best way to predict the future is to create it”

    Peter Drucker, Father of Management Thinking

    And as stewards of wealth, we are leaving legacies. Our work has the potential to outlive us by generations. Our decisions have far-reaching consequences, influencing the course of industries and societies. Embrace this power with a sense of responsibility and compassion.

    Ultimately, we hope to uplift society and increase the quality of life for all. While there’s much to progress, it’s still better to be a middle class worker in today’s day and age than a king just a few hundred years ago… wouldn’t you trade living in a castle for air conditioning and a working sewer system? Maybe one day, we’ll consider today’s 40 hour work weeks as inhumane as the child labor conditions of the 19th century. Or come to realize that even our greatest inventions were just stepping stones to something infinitely better.

    It’s time to dream big, think beyond ourselves, and come together as a community to create a more abundant and optimistic future for all. The world can still be a place where everyone has access to clean water, food, and shelter. Where poverty is a thing of the past, and sustainable practices are the norm. Where everyone can live out their full potential and contribute to society in meaningful ways.

    As we stand at the forefront of the future, we have the power to be the driving force behind positive change. The path you have chosen is not an easy one, but it is a path that holds immense potential to shape a better tomorrow. And when the right people win, the world wins. The world deserves to see you in all of your glory.

    If you do well, you can do good. This is a privilege that should never be taken lightly — I hope you wield your power wisely. And if you do — we would love nothing more than to walk alongside you in your journey, supporting you in any way we can — as a collective and as a community. It is our greatest joy and honor to do this work.

    The Wealth Visionaries Collective is an intellectual playground where we can come together and tinker with radically different ideas, architect a more optimistic and abundant masterpiece of the future, and make the extraordinary happen. We invite you to be a part of something greater — an audacious and fundamental reimagination of the world.

      “The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark”


      Membership Benefits

      Bespoke Virtual Learning Journeys For Our Private Community

      Every month we explore an exponential technology and its implications on society and the world. Our 90 Minute Monthly Sessions Are Structured As Follows:

      • Introductions and Industry Trends & Opportunities Report (10 minutes)
      • Unparalleled access to the future through engaging sessions with a diverse range of entrepreneurs and industry luminaries on the cutting edge of their respective fields (40 minutes)
      • Interactive Q&A (10 minutes)
      • Knowledge sharing with our expert-led, peer-facilitated roundtable discussions (30 minutes)

      Every member of the Wealth Visionaries Collective has been hand-selected for participation and has something meaningful to contribute to our community. Sessions are highly curated, with conversations designed to flow.

      Access A Powerful Global Network

      Access to a powerful global network. Build authentic relationships, attract new business opportunities, and grow professionally.

      Quarterly VIP Dinner Experiences & Annual Mastermind Retreat

      Carefully curated lists paired with intimate networking environments that allow for authentic relationships to form. Invitations on a first come, first serve basis available at an exclusive member price. Hosted in global hubs.

      Thought Pieces


      Recharging our mental wellness in dedicated spaces will be as common as going to the gym; in the future, happiness will be a sophisticated science. With hyper-personalized nutrition and a shift towards preventative and regenerative medicine, humans will live longer than ever.

      THE FUTURE OF work + Creator Economy

      In 100 years it will seem incredulous that humans worked 50-60 hour work weeks using their brains. We’re moving towards the automation of intellectual labor, the creator economy, and a mass movement towards micro-entrepreneurship.

      The future of fun (leisure)

      With longer lives and less time dedicated to labor, we’ll have more time for leisure. This leaves with more time to travel and seek unique, curated experiences. We’ll see this through Web3, AR/VR, and a spike in experiential commercial real estate.

      The Future of sustainable business

      We’ll see an enhanced circular usage of products, from an uptick in eco-conscious CPG companies, to sustainable hardware models (hardware purchase like Tesla with software upgrades/subscriptions). As a society, we’ll experience a shift to shared resources (companies like Rent The Runway). Regenerative agriculture will rise in popularity.

      The future of fintech

      The physical world (own fractionalized shares of fine art and buy into sports athletes future revenues) and digital world (NFTs) becomes assetized. Opportunities for wealth creation are democratized throughout society.